Most of the world’s religion believes that “salvation “ is a liberation or redemption from bondage of sin (samsara – cycle of death and rebirth) and the reunion with the creator (Brahman) at the highest spiritual state.So it is not something new that Mahan has invented or taught as many may question about !!!????. As we can see clearly that even though salvation has been existing thousand of years ago, but the access or method of reaching or attaining salvation has not been fairly shall I say been dispersed. The method / formula of attaining salvation is usually passed or taught by the Gurus to the assistants, spiritual masters or limited people or important disciples and was not taught and thought among any layperson.!!!thou

The greatness of His Holiness is that He has created a bridge or a path that anyone can access or go across the bridge to attain salvation. Obviously it is not something that can been attained as it needs a high spiritual state but the important point here is that Mahan has given the opportunity to anyone/ layman irrespective caste, creed, education level, profession, religion, language, marital status or gender and created an easy path towards it. His Holiness has chosen his salvation day on the 7 January as he received his first upadesha/ initiation on 7 January.
It is said that a real spiritual master or
any individual can choose their day of mukthi or salvation.